
Showing posts from October, 2017

Visual Studio Profiler: Performance Optimisation

Visual Studio Profiler:  Performance Optimisation This week i learnt a new tool within visual studio to optimise a program performance by pinpointing bottlenecks in your program. This tool is very easy to use and can help speed up the program execution time by allowing you to fix bottlenecks in the program. My Test Program that's currently taking 10 milliseconds to execute This is the first performance report it shows the writeline() function is taking 41% of the whole execution time. First Test This is the second test report and you can see straight away removing the writeline() function took the execution time from 10 milliseconds to 5 milliseconds, That's simple bottleneck removal cuts the execution time in half.  I know removing all slow code is not possible sometimes but this tool doesn't give you a suggestion of what to use instead but by highlighting the bottlenecks in a program it helps the programmer choose an alternative method or function that ...

Knockout with materializecss Data Table and pagination with Knockout Simple Grid library

Knockout js Data Table with MaterializeCSS styling and with Knockout Simple Grid library  HTML Knockout Code

Learning Knockout Js

Knockout JS Knockout is a JavaScript library that helps you to create rich, responsive display and editor user interfaces with a clean underlying data model. Knockout js is client side only it simplifies the html (or view) and java script (or model) to make a more manageable and dynamic web interface.  My first project with knockout js // HTML < p >First name: < input data-bind = "value: firstName" /></ p > < p >Last name: < input data-bind = "value: lastName" /></ p > < h2 >Hello, < span data-bind = "text: fullName" > </ span >!</ h2 > // JavaScript Code var ViewModel = function (first, last) {      this .firstName = ko.observable(first);      this .lastName = ko.observable(last);        this .fullName = ko.pureComputed( function () {             ...